Project “Connecting the Pearls”
This project is co-financed by the European union.
The Contracting Authority for the IPA Cross-border Cooperation Programme Serbia – North Macedonia 2014-2020 is the Ministry of Finance, the Department for Contracting and Financing of EU Funded Programmes (CFCU) of the Republic of Serbia.
The project is implemented by the city of Leskovac (Serbia), Kriva Palanka (Northern Macedonia) and the Development Center of Jablanica and Pčinj districts.
Leskovac offers significant opportunities for excursion and spa tourism
The most famous witnesses of history in this area are Hisar, the town of Skobaljić, then Šop Đokić’s house, Bora Dimitrijević Piksla’s house, Monument to Freedom, Monument to the Unknown Hero and the Memorial Park.
- Roštiljijada is an event by which Leskovac is recognized.
- Kukavica Mountain is rich in water, because many springs, streams and rivers flow from the top of the mountain, and the most attractive is the Vučjanka River.
About the project
”Connecting pearls”
The project was approved under the First Call for Projects within the Cross-Border Cooperation Program Serbia – North Macedonia
The partnership includes 10 organizations (5 from Serbia and 5 from North Macedonia) from the target area – tourism, which will work on creating successful and sustainable tourist offers.
The project is implemented by three partners: the City of Leskovac – as the leading partner, the municipality of Kriva Palanka from North Macedonia and the Center for the Development of Jablanica and Pčinj Districts from Leskovac.
Крива Паланка
Kriva Palanka is the seat of the Kriva Palanka municipality of the same name.
Kriva Palanka is a municipality in the Republic of North Macedonia, in the northeastern part of the country, at the foot of the Osogovo Mountains. The town is 60 km from Kumanovo, and 100 km from Skopje. It is rich in springs, streams and rivers, due to its relatively high altitude and geological composition of the soil.
- This region is characterized by numerous shallow rivers and small basins, and the most famous rivers are Kriva Reka and Duracka Reka.
- Forests are one of the most important natural resources of the municipality of Kriva Palanka. The most common is the beech forest, which extends from 700 to 1200 meters above sea level.